Lord jesus we need some color in here <3 [HIDER=Carlos Gutierrez] [CENTER][IMG]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/507328287056478208/Is8ExvBJ_400x400.jpeg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Carlos Gutierrez [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Werewolf Form:[/b] [HIDER=Wolf Form] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2sbvqk9.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Crush:[/b] Open [b]Personality:[/b] Carlos is very much the extrovert when it comes to social activities or just being around people in general. He's very outgoing, friendly, funny, and loud. He's all about having fun and making sure others around him are doing the same. One of the things he's known for is to play pranks on people. Carlos thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to scare someone, make them trip and fall, prank call, mix shampoo with bleach, you name it. Nothing is too extreme for him and loves to cross the line. However, he knows his limits and doesn't put anyone in harm's way. Carlos figures that everyone is going to die one day so you have to live up the time you have on this earth. He absolutely hates Bitter Betties and Debby Downer or anyone that brings a negative feelings into a situation. It's a total buzz kill for anyone to kill his vibe and he tends to get snappy at people who do it. One of the things he's most vulnerable about is his father. He prefers to hide his insecurities behind humor and jokes. He's very loyal to those he's close with and despite his antics, he's perfectly able to have a serious conversation. [b]Bio:[/b] Carlos was born in Corpus Christi, Texas as an only child. He's full blooded Mexican with his mother being Mexican American and his father being an illegal immigrant. He had a bit of a rough childhood first starting off because of his father always putting him and his mother in danger. His father was part of the drug Cartel, a huge gang in Mexico. While Carlos' father was in the states doing illegal business, he met his mother and they developed a relationship. Carlos' mother knew about the things he was doing but chose to remain oblivious to it all. She loved him and was blinded by his charm. That is until one day things took a turn for the worse. Carlos' father had gotten death threats from a rival gang for selling in his territory. Being the super machismo man that he was, he wasn't phased and continued to do his business. Carlos was only five years old when his father suddenly turned up missing. He had been gone for weeks until a mysterious package came in the mail. Carlos' mother opened the package and it was a tape that had no markings or handwriting on it. She played the tape and screamed in terror by what she saw on the screen. A rival gang member had taken her husband hostage and decapitated him right on camera, something that gangs in Mexico were known to do to their enemies. Out of fear, she packed her and her son's belongings and left Corpus to get away from everything. She made sure to grab all of her husband's drug money so no one could get their hands on it Carlos and his mom found themselves at Red Lake, Pennsylvania after driving for days northward. She was done with driving and wanted to just settle somewhere. After a few days of staying in the small town, she fell in love and decided to stay there. It was tough transitioning into a totally different state with different people. Carlos and his mom were one of the only Mexican families in the small town so they stuck out like a sore thumb. However, she made friends with her neighbors and they fell in love with her homemade Mexican food which a lot of people there haven't had. Using the rest of her dead husband's money, she started a Panaderia which is a Mexican bakery in the town. It was their source of income and it had good business with what small amount of people lived in the town. Carlos grew up in Red Lake like any other normal child after the events back in Texas. His mom never told him what happened and only knows that he left them for another woman, causing him to despise his dad. With the anger he had, he turned it into humor. As he got older, he became one of the most friendliest, extroverted people you could meet. He had no problems fitting in and making friends. Fast forward to the present and he just turned 18 and is a senior in high school. Carlos works with his mom in the bakery after school if he doesn't have practice or rehearsal. He's part of the Theatre Club and Basketball team. As far as his dating life is concerned, he's been with guys and girls and doesn't care who he ends up with in the future. Even though his mom is a Catholic, she's quite liberal so she supports her son through anything. Other than some minor altercations, everyone seems to be pretty open. One of his favorite things to do is go camping, however his last camping trip didn't exactly go as planned. Misc Info: The name of his mom's bakery is [i]La PanaderĂ­a[/i]. Churros seem to be everyone's favorite. [HIDER=La PanaderĂ­a] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/67/5a/36675a33ec3a8833e2be338b1ddfc87f.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ce/43/63/ce4363e462d1732e224f098b55c9b3c4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SXeUQsELDaI/TSZicelZdyI/AAAAAAAALqY/Y7U_z34noqc/s1600/PANADERIA_MEXICANA-1.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] [i][color=violet]I have read the rules.[/color][/i] [/CENTER][/HIDER] [HIDER=Angie Gutierrez] [CENTER][IMG]http://cdn.static.abcfamily.com/service/image/ratio/id/b1619620-b18e-460f-8e70-77946d42c63f/dim/430.1x1.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Angelica "Angie" Gutierrez [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Job:[/b] Bakery Owner [b]Personality:[/b] Angie is known to be a very sweet woman. Raised with traditional Mexican values, she's very homely and enjoys doing things around the home and cooking. She's smart, witty, and a kind person. Carlos gets his humor from her and people tend to catch onto that. However even though she's nice, she's still Latina and tends to get a bit sassy when people cross her. She's not one to let others walk all over her. Angie is a very caring and giving person and there's no one else like her. The town absolutely loves her. [b]Bio:[/b] [See Carlos' Bio] Misc Info: [i]I have read the rules[/i][/CENTER] [/HIDER]