[center][h1][color=#2ECCFA]Ika Musume[/color][/h1][/center] Ika Musume just stared at the new... Squid person? While Add yelled at her. She didn't look like any squid she knew. First off, she only had two tentacles. What kind of squid only had two tentacles? Second, this new person had to use some kind of gun thing to spit squid ink. Obviously, this person wasn't actually a squid, but an imposter. Kind of like the Ika heads The owner of he southern winds beach house made his daughter wear. This one was a bit better however, and nowhere near as disgusting and disturbing. Ika Musume was especially glad that it didn't look like her. It was probably an automated squidbot, like when the Three stooges got ahold of one of the heads. [color=#2ECCFA]I think it's a robot, De geso. It doesn't look anything like a real squid, so it can't be anything less, De geso. It doesn't even have a cap, and everyone knows that if a squid doesn't have a cap they can't live, De geso![/color] Ika Musume turned to the obviously fake squidbot. It was probably sent by the Three Stooges to capture her so they could experiment on her, but if it was anything like the last ones, it would probably just end up blowing itself up or falling over.