[b]Ahsoka Tano - New York City[/b] Ahsoka smirked a bit as her lightning slammed home, earning a grunt from the Sith as he was taken off guard. After all, it wasn't just the disciples of the dark side who could use that sort of technique. It just involved...relaxing from the rigid standards of the old Jedi Order. And she'd fallen very far from that position by now. Her success faded though as the Sith responded, and the pressure on her throat intensified. She prepared for a last ditch move then, marshaling her reserves to throw her shota at him, but before he could do so there was a sudden distraction. She didn't get a good look at it, but it seemed that there was some sort of portal, and a bunch of people showing up. She wouldn't get long to consider it though as she was thrown into a stone pillar, the grey surface cracking before she fell to the ground. "Agh!" Landing, her vision faded as she struggled to recover. For the moment she was out of the fight. Hopefully the newcomers could keep the Sith occupied until she could recover to a point where she could fight.