[center][h3][b][u][color=red]Ira Amaterasu[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/2w39ohg.png[/IMG] [@WaddleDaisy] [color=red] “ Your smile is quite delightful. I see you like the sweets more than me.”[/color] , Ira laughed as he spoke. He took another bite some the pastry and sipped a little wine. [color=red] “ I’m glad you don’t judge based off of what you see or what your friends think. I believe that’s why I’m attracted to you. You aren’t like them , you’re different …. aren’t so bad yourself.”[/color] I reached across the table and grabbed Taka’s open hand , the other still full of pastry . He stared into her eyes and with a slight smile he said, [color=red] “ I hope this isn’t my last time I’m going to see you. I enjoy your company and more.”[/color][/center]