Metosi's red eyes burned with an inner fire, a glee for combat unexpected in a mage burning within the dark elf! Straightening, he concentrated for a moment, entering a trance and reciting a litany of incantations to achieve a boost upon his next spell, one of a more offensive nature! Even as he began his incantations, his summon growled at the unthinking zombies, who groaned and moaned but moved as slow as a rheumatic elder. Lowering upon it's front paws, the beast jumped upon the nearest zombie to its master, maw wide and aiming for the zombie's skull. Metosi's eyes opened as he finished his Incantations and he recited the flowing words for a spell of lightning! He flung his hand out, aiming for the lead zombie of the rear group, hoping his spell would have a knockback effect and spill his cohorts to the ground and cut off any slow, but deadly, reinforcements. Action and Maneuver: Utilize Incantations perk, cast Shock Damage- Magnitude 3, Magicka cost 3 (Short = 0) Magicka 9/15