[@Eklispe] Apollo frowned. He was irritated, The Lich did not understand. So much for Liches being smart. Apollo dashed fowards extremly fast, getting behind the Lich, he then aimed Ascalon at the Lich. Lava and Plasma began to gather at the tip of the blade. Apollo smirked. [color=fff200]"There's something I should tell you Lich. I am not easily beaten. If you want to win, You'd have to kill me, but with this on that is impossible."[/color] Apollo said defiantly as he fired the Huge wave of Lava and Plasma. Apollo then appeared on top of the Lich, and shot a Light Wave to purify. Of course this light could cut through Darkness. If this didn't work then he had one more chance, and that would be it.