[center] [img] https://sheamacleod.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/blood-moon.jpg [/img] [/center] [b]"SAYONARA FUCKERS -"[/b] [h1] [color=ed1c24]BANG![/color] [/h1] Brunkas was sent flying backwards, pieces of shrapnel tearing through his bloodied hide. He crashed into the wall behind him, knocking a few bricks loose as flames licked at his hide. His ears were wailing, and his fur was coming away in clumps, landing in his clawed hands. It was soft to the touch, and wet with blood. [i]My blood[/i]. [i]Make the fuckers pay. Make the filthy fucking undead cunts pay. [/i] He rose to his feet, his aching joins screaming in protest, droplets of his lifeblood splattering against the cobbled floor, and stumbled onwards through the night, hobbling on twisted paws. The air itself sent his body into spasms of agony as it brushed against his leaking wounds, and he could taste sweet blood in his jaws. [i]Rip the fuckers apart. Smash their bones. [/i] "Frrrruckin' zzoooombeeez..." he hissed, forcing the words out as he gasped and choked. "Keeeel youuuu arllll....." [h2] [color=ed1c24]KRAAAAAK! [/color][/h2] A single shot rang out, whizzing through the air and smashing straight into his throat. Brunkas swayed. Brunkas fell. The ground rushed up to meet him, punching him right in the jaw as he sprawled out across the cobbles. His heart thundered, and his pulse thumped. "N-n-no H-hunter..." His big, shark-like eyes fluttered shut, and the world went black around him as he was swallowed up by the night. As the pale light of the full moon shone down upon his broken body, Brunkas looked more like a lost dog than any sort of wolf.