[center]Main Cast CS: Name: Elisha Ngô Age: 17 [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/76/ba/9676ba86a22df9ef50ffcb9de4c8b87b.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Werewolf Form:] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/55/64/0c/55640caf81b628fc3f110718bbbc4eae.jpg[/img] note: This wolf is an albino southeast Asian dingo, not a regular North American one[/hider] Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual (though she favors men) Crush: kind of trying to figure that out rn Personality: After years of being bullied, she grew shy and closed off to other people, but once they break through her walls, she becomes vibrant and ecstatic. Her humor has grown to be biting and sarcastic, but she means no real harm. She never voluntarily takes charge of unpleasant situations, but if she is forced to take leadership or responsibility, she will tackle the problem head on and leave no breathing room for her enemy. While she does have a good ear for venting, she generally isn't great at dealing with awkward scenes when her friends break down and start crying (considering whenever she did that, she always shoved her feelings down her throat and didn't let them back up), but she will still do her best to comfort her friend. While she is still generally easy to run over, lately she's been finding her voice and will not hesitate to cuss a bitch out if they go too far. Bio: Her family history is long and brutal. It all started in the beautiful mountains of Vietnam, when her grandfather was killed after his platoon was bombed on the Ho Chi Min trail by American soldiers. When her grandmother found out, she lost faith in the communist leader and decided to escape Vietnam at all costs. After reaching America, her grandmother settled down with a South Vietnamese refugee. Her grandmother raised her mother strictly under Vietnam's culture. Though Elisha's mom was free to do many more things than she could've done if she was born in the mother country, she was still forbidden from doing one thing: Marrying anyone who was not Vietnamese. But that's exactly what she did. She fell in love with a white man and eloped with him only three months after she met him. They ran away from her mother's wrath and settled down in New York City, earning their money off odd jobs. But Elisha's mother secretly made (and lost, more than often) money from gambling. After a year of barely scraping by, out pops Elisha. Soon after the stress of having an unplanned baby, her mother drowned herself in gambling and drinking, refusing her mother's pleas to come home and let her see her only grandchild. Hector, Elisha's father, decided it was best he took his new born daughter away from her addicted mother, but it would take six years for the divorce papers to file and the custody argument to rule in Hector's favor. In those six years, Elisha watched her mother grow rabid with addiction. It messed her up slightly, but Hector was always there to easy the pain. After fleeing New York, they settled down in Red Lake. Her father got a job at the local newspaper and enrolled Elisha into he local school system. Elisha soon found out that Red Lake was nothing like New York. Her father wanted her to keep her mother's maiden name and remember her heritage, but it soon became a plague in Red Lake. New York was populated and diverse with all different kinds of mixed kids, but Red Lake was barren of almost any mixed kids, or even non-white kids for that matter. People would tease her and make fun of her last name, and adults would stare when she walked hand in hand with her white father. She was bullied for being mixed and for her absent mother. By the age of 12, she hated herself. She hated her slanted eyes, why couldn't they be round like her father's? She hated her skin, why was it not perfectly white like her father's? Why? Why? And then, oh then, she started noticing girls in ways many people would frown upon. And it's not like she could ever say she only liked girls, no, she liked boys too! In the eyes of Red Lake, she was a mixed, girl-liking freak. But then she fund a real group of friends who accepted her for who she is. To them, it didn't matter that she was mixed and liked girls. She finally felt [i]complete[/i] and [i]happy[/i]. Some things she hadn't felt in a long time. Misc: [color=red]I have read the rules[/color] Also, she has the word [i]nhà[/i] tattooed on her left shoulder blade, with permission from her father.[/center]