[@Lmpkio] [color=ec008c][b]Joylne Kujo[/b][/color] Joylne was shocked by the sith lightning causing her body to convulses kneeling on the ground trying to get though the pain,She slowly stood up along side the wandering warrior summoning her stand Stone Free to help in the fight."STONE FREE" She yelled out summoning her stand which moved forward pasted the attack and trying to give the sith a solid punch to the face. She hoped she could help with the assult and stop this weirdo in a mask. [color=92278f][b]Kars[/b][/color] The ultimate lifeform was watching the battle with a smile on his face flying down onto the ground once he saw Joylne appear in front of him,"I finally found you Joestar..." He was now standing in front of the group trying to block Ryu's attack by waving his arm sending a Hamon based attack to the blue energy ball.