[quote=@makarov] [center][img]http://s20.postimg.org/bd715fiwd/C_Data_Users_Def_Apps_App_Data_INTERNETEXPLORER_T.jpg[/img] Leo Trenton: Jack The Ripper "[color=9e0b0f]Screaming won't make it stop...Just relax it'll all be over in a few seconds.[/color]" Gender: Male Age: 26 (joined at 16) Bio: Sometimes something so bad happens to a person that they change into a creature that the former person they once were wouldn't even recognize them. But sometimes...an even rarer thing happens...sometimes people are born monters. Leo was always broken somewhere deep down inside of himself he was cracked...and the only thing that could truly describe the boy was he acted as a wolf among sheep. His parents tried hard to raise him but it wasn't long before they realized their darling son wasn't right, as a small child the boy had violent tendencies, his father was the one who caught him killing stray cats and racoons. Leo had put together set of different blades and knives with which to do his work, Fearing for their son Leo's parents kept it hidden and tried to teach him to hide his urges and this worked for a long time but the city is a hell unlike any other...and one night Leo's parents went out to pick up dinner and never came back. Leo stayed alone in the house until someone from child services showed up, with no choice he packed up his "gear" as he called it, and went out a back window. He started living in alleyways and under bridges with the homeless, all the while a storm was building inside him. A year passed like this, surviving off soup kitchens and stealing from markets, until one night on the street while walking alone Leo realized that the homeless people he lived next to had just vanished, a moment after this realization he was thrown against a wall and a man with a gun told him he was sleeping in his gangs territory and that just like all the other homeless people in the area he had to be put out of his misery. Leo stood frozen unsure of what to feel, his only thought became survival and in a quick motion he ducked low under the mans arm and buried a blade deep into his neck without a pause. The man didn't even get out a scream as the blood poured out of his jugular vein, in this moment a feeling of euphoria washed over Leo he felt amazing and the color of the blood coming out made him dizzy, it was better than any high. After a few seconds a voice brought Leo back into the real world, "Nicely done boy..." Leo picked up the dead man's gun and pointed towards the source, "H-He was going to kill me...I-I had to!" The man who owned the voice laughed softly, "I'm not worried about that son...and I'm not a cop...I just have one question for you and I want you to be honest with me..." Leo kept his gun trained on him, "What's the question?" The man stepped into the dim light of a back alley lamp, "How did it feel..." Leo was shocked by this question and for a moment he froze, but deep down inside he couldn't deny the feeling that he had just experienced, "It felt...Amazing...for a moment there I was more alive then I've ever been..." The man smiled a big smile, "Then you're just like me..." Leo looked up at him, "You...you feel it to...the hunger..." The man nodded, "Walk with me kid...I'd like to give you an offer." The man who Leo would come to call Joshua took the boy and explained that people like them were never accepted in normal society because what they do is a crime, he explained how they were simply wolves among sheep and that only other criminals could accept them and see their use, he asked the boy if he had ever heard about the old school mafia, and a man who went down in history as the Ice Man. Joshua explained how the best gangs took in people like him and Leo and they treated them like family and even gave them people to kill to help out that family, because people like him and Leo were special. Then he offered Leo a chance to train under him...to learn to kill just like him...and with a bright red future ahead Leo accepted. Joshua brought the boy into Block 66 as his future replacement and with the go ahead from the big Boss...Joshua trained the boy for years and years until Joshua was killed by a cop. Leo took his place as their killer and with his new family he stood strong...and as he continued he earned the nickname Jack The Ripper. Other: Leo has a serious problem with people who try to hurt his family...being a sociopath he see's the gang as something that belongs to him...and if you take something from Leo...you may find yourself in much deeper shit than you bargained for.[/center] [/quote]