Name: Turner Williams. Goes by the name "Kick". Gender: Male Age: Joined at 19, now 21. Appearance: [img][/img] [hr] [b]"Family isn't who you're born with. It's who you'd die with."[/b] [hr] Bio: Kick has always had a knack for fighting and was also very distant from society as a whole. The reason he wanted to join the gang was to fight, make money and make a name for himself out there. To follow the American dream whenever possible. He's also a great interrogator, which is how he proved himself to the gang. By showing his talent at torturing double-crossing rats and people with information, this is how he stayed with the gang, and runs with his crew proudly. Personality: Kick is cold, he has a don't care attitude and a smooth tongue. He knows how to talk. However, on the inside, he deeply cares for each and everyone of his fellow gangsters but very rarely shows it. In fact, if you need any kind of help, Kick is very understanding and willing to help. He follows orders to the letter and tries to improve himself as a gangster in every endeavour. Fear: A friend getting killed. Theme song: [youtube][/youtube]