[@Kael Taiyou][@Yidhra][@Flamelord][@Lmpkio][@Eviledd1984] [b]Kirby[/b] Kirby was in the air during the attack, yet he was still hit by it. "Uwa!" Kirby screamed out in pain. At this point Kindle was in his mouth so atleast Kindle was safe. Kirby fell to the ground from the attack. He looked a little dirty but he could still fight. He also still had his power up somehow. It was a miracle that didn't disappear. Kirby got up from the lightning and then took the stance of a fighter. He then rushed at the Sith lord. He was quick, much faster than without his power up. He ran right past the Sith Lord turning around behind him and jumping into the air aiming a kick at the Jedi's lower back. [u] [/u] [@Absolis][@Gummi Bunnies] [b]Cia[/b] Cia just looked at the other squid for a moment, then at the man who came by and seemed to have gotten angry about the ink. "Relax, the ink disappears after an hour. There won't be a trace of it once it's gone I promise." Cia said waving her hand. She then looked at the squid that said she wasn't a real squid. Well of course she's not a squid, she's an inkling. "I'm not a squid you dolt, I'm an Inkling, entirely different species." Cia said to the squid looking girl. She lowered her gun before putting it on her back next to her tank which was filling up with more ink, it was currently blue much like the color of her hair. [u] [/u] [b]Asura[/b] Asura had finished what he needed to do in universe of the zombies. He had grabbed some kind of orb and put it into his chest after opening it. It seemed to be some kind of power up. Or atleast a place to hold things. He headed out after this soon entering another universe after reaching a terminal. Soon enough he appeared again in what seemed to be switzerland. "Right, gotta find the next terminal." Asura said before walking through the city. He was giving off a powerful aura, it would be easy for anyone to find him from this aura, he was certainly pure strength, he was slow, but a brute when it came to fighting. Anyone would feel a sudden jolt from his appearance and his shear power in this world. Though for most who didn't recognize it, it would be nothing more than just an ache of a useless muscle or some kind.