[h2]Gloria Lieth - Solitary Confinement[/h2] Gloria lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling. She rather hated this room. It was padded on every surface and everything was white. There were no windows. The color was kind of mind numbing. Though in all fairness the padded walls made really steady punching bags when she was angry. As much as Gloria might have hated the solitary confinement cells they were also the only place that she actually felt safe. She was completely cut off front the rest of the prison, she wasn't expected to do anything and while the food dropped in quality from what they got everywhere else Gloria made do. As she thought the girl with the golden hair subconsciously ran her fingers over small white scars that decorated her knuckles. It was the reason she was in solitary in the first place. Every once in awhile when she was really angry Gloria would punch a wall... or a person but usually it was a wall. She did it because she was fed up with being trapped. Her ability gave her almost absolute freedom. Freedom to go where she wanted, to take what she wanted and to not have to listen to anyone. Being in this prison it was the ultimate hell for someone who was used to being able to walk through walls. Sometimes she'd wind up and hit the concrete in the vain hope that her fist might just go through it. It never happened and while her hand hurt and often enough bled she usually felt just a little bit better. After the first couple of incidents she'd been taken to the infirmary, patched up and sent back into the yard. After the fifth or sixth they'd started cutting her food rations and lately the punishment had been solitary. They couldn't sell damaged merchandise so they couldn't have someone injuring themselves. They had some kind of healing meta in the infirmary but he always left the scars on her hands intact, a kind of reminder Gloria guessed. After what could have been eternity or a few seconds or was likely about two days the door to the cell was opened. "Up and at 'em ghost girl. You're going back to the population. Lunch is just about ready." The guard escorted her to the lunch room where various lower members of SOUL were serving. It wasn't exactly appetizing but after several days in eating solitary food it might as well have been a turkey dinner. There was a table in the back that was more or less designated to the factionless. At any one time there were usually about ten of them but Edmund, Gloria herself and the one they called The Messenger were the only ones that lasted. The others usually died off in a weak or two. But there were always new ones to take there place. Screw ups of the various factions that got turned out, or idealists new to the prison that didn't understand that being factionless was a serious struggle. Gloria had only survived because she'd had the mentorship of another factionless girl that had gone through the same trials, Hippolyta. But she'd sold out. Now she was the leader of the Faction the Amazons and while Gloria could say they weren't as bad as factions like SOUL or STEM or the MIR they still weren't good. Gloria noticed that Edmund wasn't at the table today. He was much older than her, likely one of the oldest people in the prison and she knew he suffered from migraines. He was most likely in the infirmary right now. The healing meta could help but apparently the brain was trickier to heal than other parts of the body. Gloria sighed and dipped a spoon into her gruel. It didn't taste half bad this morning.