"Please...dear god please...I'll get the money...I just need more time!!!" The man screamed, from his tied position on his knees tied to a pole, "[color=9e0b0f]Scream all you want...this warehouse is by the old docks...no one can hear you. You've had six months to get the money...You've only dug your hole deeper this whole time.[/color]" Leo knelt down in front of him, "[color=9e0b0f]You got two minutes to get yourself right with the god of your choosing...before I get started.[/color]" Leo looked at his gold watch with a digital display, "[color=9e0b0f]Your time starts now.[/color]" For the first 15 seconds the man screamed and writhed and tried to escape and all the while Leo never moved his eyes watching him like a predator, but after that the man started crying and begging for forgiveness of the sins he had committed in life, saying to god that he was truly repentant, after two minutes passed on the dot Leo slipped on his latex gloves, "[color=9e0b0f]it's time...[/color]" The man simply stated at the ground as tears streamed his face, "Just make it quick..." Leo patted him on the shoulder, "[color=9e0b0f]The pain is temporary...[/color]" Leo pulled the restraints tight and moved the man to a gurney, using a large blade to keep him listening, "[color=9e0b0f]If you try to fight it...it will be much worse...just relax.[/color]" The man laid back on the gurney and stared up at the cealing while he was fully strapped down. Leo then switched on some opera music and pulled out his knife set, it was a very expensive set of surgical tools much better than his first set, then he selected a scalpel and started cutting into the mans chest as screams filled the warehouse drowned out by the loud Opera. After what seemed like hours the job was done and the internal organs that could be sold had been removed. Leo had placed them in the cooler and had disposed of his gloves, his cuts were so clean that no blood had gotten on his suit. He then went through the process of having someone from the black market pick up the organs at a deaddrop location. After that he drove the body to the docks and like an artist dislayed it against a wall to send a message. Then he drove back and cleaned the entire area, dumping the blood into the river. After it was all said and done he pulled out his phone and texted Theo, "[color=9e0b0f]It's done...Coming home.[/color]"