[quote=@TheFourthIV] I was subscribed to the IC but I just lurked. I was wondering how the plot would stay organized with everyone in different or made up factions? How would people interact if we're all spread out doing our own thing? [/quote] Good question. Most of the factions one each side (new order and resistance) would have close ties to each other, and im intending for an event to happen early that would affect every faction, thus causing them to come together and let characters meet each other. [quote=@PixelJunkie] Yay, it's up! =D I was wondering if you could give us any more information on the scouts who go looking for technology, e.g. are they employed by someone, or do they just sell the stuff they find, also, what kind of skill level is required to survive in the wilderness? [/quote] The scouts are almost always paid for by the New Order, although its not unknown for licensed companies to get permission from the new order to send their own scouts. (this is quite rare however). The wilderness is composed of completely barren wastelands as far as anyone can tell, with the six minutes war obliterating almost every piece of organic matter in an unknown radius outside the city. There's next to no plant or animal life, the only things surviving being insects. The biggest hazard to a scout is lack of fuel. After all, theres only so far you can go in a helicopter without running out of water, food, fuel or all three. Diseases spread by insects are a problem as well, with every scout being qurantined for six months before being allowed back into the city, and they are shot dead if they show even the slightest sign of sickness. (their pay is incredible though, so theres no shortage of dreamers wanting to be scouts)