Name- Thomas "Tom" Rook Age- 16 Gender- Male Sexuality- Straight Appearance- Tom is fairly tall being just under 6ft in height. He has medium length hair that brushed to the side and is fairly skinny with a peachy skin tone. His pale green eyes and a triangular face tend to give off a non-threating vibe. He tends to wear brown trousers and blue checkered shirts but occasionaly hoodies and other types of clothing. Personality- Tom is a quite person not to due to shyness but more of a desire to not bring upon unwanted attention. He is resevered at the best of times and will likly shut down if anyone asks about his past or family. He is however kind he just prefers to be so indirectly fixing things without being asked or noticed is a good example of that. Backstory- Tom was until recently the only child of a middle class family. He actully quite enjoyed his childhood but when he turned 10 things began to change. It started when they moved and he struggled to make friends at his new school. It didn't help that his parents had alot of expectations of Tom to due well and when he failed to live up to there expectations he went with out meals. Things only got worse after his dad lost his job and things became more and more heated between his parents. Tom was being bullied at home and at school and unlike most children his age did not own a single electronic device, He had no way of escape. Things only got worse as Tom was now worked two jobs while still trying to maintain good grades. He managed for awhile but then his father started beating him on a regularly and Tom's mind made it's own way out. Tom started to become detached from reality no longer registering the world around him. His grades dropped and he lost both his jobs. he took to sitting in tiny room corners escaping to his own worlds. he barely managed to force himself to go to school each day. It was shortly after he started this that his younger sister was born and not long after that his dad left leaving his mum on her own. Not being able to cope on her own Tom's mother decided it was best if she didn't look after him and he was sent to Dreamy Pines. Interests- Books, Swimming, Carpentry Dislikes- Cities, Spicy food Fears- Thunder storms and violence Issues- Tom will sometimes zones out or appears to be staring at something that nobody else can see. He doesn't talk about it but occasionally he'll be found crouched in a corner shaking and/or muttering to himself.