[h1][color=fff200]Gabel Wester[/color][/h1] Gabel turned a bit when he went to open the door and just looked at the kitten before speaking softly once it turned it's head to the noise, "[color=fff200]You leave my daddy alone.[/color]" She took a moment to look at both of them men and gave a sigh before pointing to the stove, a gas stove. Her voice sounded sweet like she was trying to get her way, "[color=fff200]If you two are going to be in here one of you are going to make mac and cheese.[/color]" She stood up and walked over to one of the counters stepping on the little blue stool she had set up there opening up the cupboard and pulling out two boxes setting them down seeming to be still half talking to herself, "[color=fff200]I burnt myself last time I made it.[/color]" She was a strange child not acting too afraid of these to strangers in her home. She got down and opened a door to her pantry pulling out four plastic bottles of water holding them in her arms. All this time she'd been simply staying in the house and feeding herself anything she could find, one thing was for sure, this kid was smart. Setting them down she seemed to be half ignoring them again as she got a pot out from under the stove and set it up opening the bottles and dumping them into the pot before going back to her seat at the table simply stating, "[color=fff200]I'm hungry.[/color]" She picked up her crayon and started coloring in the face of her drawing, she seemed to be happy with what she was doing. [@LPFan][@Foster]