[center][h2]Nariv Arya - Cafeteria[/h2][/center] Squelch went sound of his food when it hit his plate. Nariv grimaced at the mush, he remembered when he got normal food from school, it was pretty bad compared to the food that he ate at home, but it was better than this crap! The Messenger removed himself from the line, walking into the bustling cafeteria of scary people. Nariv swallowed his spit, he remembered when life wasn't this scary. He remembered when life was friends, family, and school! However, this life was trying to stay alive and keep people from killing you just for the heck of it! How did his life turn up this way? He was a decent person, didn't do anything too bad, but now he is going to be sold into slavery... Slavery! Like, what the heck!? What did he do in his past life to deserve this type of treatment!? Nariv let out an exasperated sigh, staring at his plate as he moved deeper into the lunch room. He looked around, tables were designated for several different factions. At the top of his head, Nariv could only remember the top tiers which were the MIR, SOUL, STEM, and the Amazons. Everyone seemed to belong to a faction, even the tiny ones, but Nariv didn't belong to any type of faction. He was faced with the challenge of being Factionless, and it was normal that anybody that didn't have a faction would die within the first week or so, but it didn't work for only a handful of people. The Messenger was one of them, he was one of the only people that could use his power outside of the Arena, and he found himself using this power to relay messages to people to keep himself from being murdered! It was kind of weird to be doing this type of job inside of prison, but it kept him from being hurt, so that was something good that come out of it! So, Nariv continued to go further into the cafeteria, reaching the tables in the back since he still was factionless even though he interacted with them quite often. Though, he liked sitting away from all the scary people, especially the MIR, they spooked him the most. So, as he made his way over to the factionless tables, he spotted someone rather interesting. Nariv didn't really know much about Gloria, but he knew that she was one of the only people that also managed to survive without a faction, however, she had to deal with the main problems of being factionless that the Messenger didn't have to face at all, and that would be random violent attacks. Nariv looked at the filled tables around the lunch room, there weren't too many tables around for the factionless to really sit without being attacked or heckled by the others. So, Nariv plopped himself down near Gloria. For a few moments, he prodded at his food for just a bit, glancing towards the strange girl before trying to break the ice with a joke that he had seen on TV. "So what's the deal with airline food?"