Name- Amber Right Age- 15 Gender- Female Sexuality- Straight Appearance- [img][/img] Amber has soft brown eyes and thick, curly brown hair. She is 5'3" and weighs about 110 lbs. Her body is small and delicate, and so are her hands. Freckles dot her face and body, but many collect on her knuckles, elbows, and hairline. She has a feminine build and rope scars around her wrist from when she was first kidnapped. Backstory- Amber grew up in a household that was constantly feuding. Her mother and father were always too busy fighting to actually pay her attention, and when they did notice their daughter, they would take their frustrations out on her. But then her saviors came. She loved them so much, they were everything to her. yet paradise only lasts so long. The police found her and her saviors. They tried to reunite her with her parents, but she screeched and cried for days, begging them to bring back her real mother. Instead of dumping her back with her abusive parents, they sent her to the group home, hoping she would recover from her Stockholm Syndrome. Personality: Amber is quiet and kind. She isn't shy, but she is reserved and tends to keep her thoughts to herself. She is not very outspoken, but if you get her talking about her mother, or art, or the outdoors, she will softly ramble on for ages. Interests- Painting, nature, gardening Dislikes- Stormy days, boredom Fears- Confined spaces, her parents, the police Issues- Stockholm Syndrome Inspired by the song [url=]Female Robbery[/url]