Two messages popped up on Theodora's phone. She smiled when she learned that Toni and Zeke were on their way back. [i]Bout damn time,[/i] she thought as she checked her next message. It was from Leo. Theodora shuddered as she read the message. She knew Leo's style, she didn't particularly like it. But it kept the money coming in from the others and he had been a favorite of her father's so she kept him around, not to mention she was terrified of what he would do to her if she tried to kick him out of the gang. Once the chills passed, Theodora replied to Leo's message. "Perfect. If you see Zeke before I do, make sure he knows that no one is to touch my ice cream." She hit the send button and smiled, relaxing into her large office chair. Not too long after reading the texts, there was a knock on her door. She smiled as she heard Turner's voice. Theodora stood up and crossed to her door, opening it with a half smirk on her face. "Turner, my favorite bad boy. Come in." She winked at him and placed a "Do not disturb sign" on her door, letting everyone else in the house know that she was in an important meeting. "I have an important job for you."