[center][h1][color=39b54a][i]"You'd better believe I'm getting in on this"[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] Name: [i][color=a0410d]Joseph White[/color][/i] Gender: Male Age: Joined the Police force at 25, left at 35, rejoined at 36, left again at 37, became private investigator at 37, now 39. Appearance: [img]http://luckyparkinggirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/constantine.jpg[/img] Bio: Joseph White is what people like to call "Old news", born to a member of the police force, it was expected that Joseph would follow in his footsteps, Joseph, however, was not a fan of the police lifestyle, instead wishing to goof off and be lazy. However, due to the actions of a "Friend", Joseph became hooked on cocaine, entering a life of crime and intrigue at a young age. He avoided his father at all costs, but during a drug bust, Joseph was forced to fight his way out of a police raid, shooting the swat team, who all wore heavy armor, didn't do much, so instead, Joseph escaped through playing dead after being shot in the abdomen. After the event, he escaped through a window, and came face to face with a swat officer, seeing no choice, Joseph stabbed the man in the throat repeatedly with a pocket knife until he was dead. The rest of the swat team came upon this, and Joseph barely escaped alive. Upon returning home, he was called by his mother, who revealed that his father had died on the job. Joseph put two and two together and realized that he had killed his father. After this realization, Joseph left home, quitting his drug habit and going off the map. Upon his return, Joseph was a changed man, who behaved more like his father than he had before, he joined the police force, becoming a skilled investigator. After discovering the level of corruption in the force, Joseph left. Upon the firing of the old commissioner, Joseph returned. After another year in the police, Joseph left because of the danger, becoming a private investigator. Despite the career changes, Joseph's most known moment was when he caught a famous kingpin of a huge drug operation. That was over ten years ago now, and now Joseph is being held to the same high standards as before despite his advancing age. Personality: Lazy and laid-back, similar to his father. He was formerly hot blooded and rude, though now, it has been replaced with kindness and patience, more similar to his father, but when under stress, he returns to this rudeness. In a crisis, Joseph would panic when he was younger, but still kept enough presence of mind to plan and prepare, now however, he is calm no matter how dire the situation, just like his father. Joseph has difficulty connecting with people and prefers to be alone rather than with others. Due to his father's death, Joseph feels guilty, and is attempting to replace his father, to lead the life he couldn't. Other: Joseph's skill with pistols is impressive to even the most skilled gunmen. Joseph hates pears. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qlHMQGcFtk]Normal theme[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHQN8aXH-5c]Serious theme[/url]