[b]Tailred - Mahora[/b] Red continued to fight, sword swinging as she ripped into the horde. Even as she did so, she could tell that others had joined in the fight, with gunshots ringing in the air as bugs were taken out by the dozens. Individually it didn't seem like much, but over time it all added up, and she could notice as the horde thinned away to simple individual bugs, which were picked off with ease. For now, this city was safe. She came to a stop then, holding on to her sword as she prepared to dive down and give whomever had launched those explosives a piece of her mind. But before she did so she took a moment to look around, and get an idea of the full picture. It couldn't hurt, right? It was a good thing that she did, for she could see that things had pretty much resolved themselves here, yet there was still more that could be done elsewhere, whether it be destroying the remnants of the bugs, or simply helping civilians that had been caught in the attacks, or by the damage that had been done to the city. So she made up her mind, flying back down to the group that had assisted her, and who had no idea who she really was. "Good job guys," she called with a grin and a thumbs up. "Now that we've got things wrapped up here we should go help out the civilians." Lord knew she had enough experience with publicity to actually care about her image, if one needed to think beyond her sense of morals. She was still going to tell off whomever had shot those explosives at her, but this just seemed more immediately important as she waited to see who agreed with her. [hr] [b]Garie - Roanpur[/b] At last the swarm of bugs seemed to subside, which Garie was grateful for as she kicked her heels against the curb, to get some indescribable off of them. That had been, as she had expected, boring and really long. But at least it was over now and she could go on to better things that were more worthy of her time. Though thus far such things had proven sparse in appearing. Shoes clean, she looked around whilst her hands rested on her hips. The signs of combat were evident, with new craters and holes in the ground and the walls, with a bunch of dead bugs and some humans to boot. That was about as expected really. At the same time, she took mental stock, to see how she was doing. For all her expended magic, she was still doing well on power, and wouldn't need to stock up any time soon. Certainly it would be enough to deal with any Gear users that might appear, if any were even in this place. So she began to walk, moving along with little hassle as she headed through the detritus of what had just happened without a care in the world. Oh, if only Carol were here. That would make things so much more interesting. As it stood she couldn't even be bothered to harvest memories from the shell shocked population, which was a real pity. Before she could get too far though she found herself approached by some heavily armed men, who didn't exactly look like they were around to play. She paused, giving them a sideways glance before speaking. "Yeah, what do you want," she asked, indicating that they had better get straight to it. She didn't need them, and if she didn't like what they had for her, then they would find themselves squahsed like all these bugs.