[b]Timaeus, Daemon Prince - Bern, Switzerland[/b] From the Warp, the body he once had has formed anew, for as a Daemon he had no need for a body in order to survive, but to interact with the Materium he will of course need one. He begun to feel the senses of a physical body, one that he didn't have for centuries. When he opened his eyes, he saw a decayed world of old buildings which seemed to be centuries behind the Imperium of Man in technology, but there seemed to be no person around, a empty world. As he was looking around he saw his mortal followers, which seems that some of them also got transported to this strange world. The large and grotesque wings on his began to beat at a fast rate and he quickly rose to the air, looking at the city below and analyzing it's terrain and features. Seeing a large building which was perfect for his cultist to temporarily settle, he ordered using his psyker power of telepathy to immediately go and fortify it, while he explored this city. Timaeus didn't know the name of it, but it was 'Bern Historical Museum'.