[@Kael Taiyou] The Emperor raised an eyebrow, as he considered this. He considered for a moment burrowing into the girl's mind, extracting the information he needed by force. However, doing so might burn out her form. Furthermore, he had no intention of starting a war with whatever faction it was that this individual represented. Hence he was represented with a dilemma. He could not fulfil his dreams without the knowledge this girl possessed, and he was not willing to back down. However, a cursory glance of her psyche showed him that she was a stubborn individual, and he doubted he would be able to convince her to go against her orders. As such, he would simply have to appeal to authority. Gesturing, the Emperor felt for the device in the girl's ear. Whatever machine she had used to communicate sprung from her ear as the Emperor psychically analysed it, using his prodigious mind to understand the technology behind it. The small machine broke apart into a thousand pieces, only to be perfectly put back together a mere moment later. "Very well then, I believe I will have to address this individual directly." Using his powers, he transmitted his words through the device, communicating with whatever force was at the other end of the proverbial call, addressing Akina's boss directly. "Greetings. My name is Nova, previously known as the God Emperor of Mankind. And I believe you are the one who truly possesses the knowledge that I wish to garner, and that it is you who would withhold this knowledge from me. However, I would inform you of the possibilities of an alliance, or an informational exchange. After all, I can tell simply from the mind of your subordinate that your organisation is not an evil one, and there is nothing to be lost in the gathering of forces."