[@YamiCuoreLaroux] [@KatherinWinter] The person's words had the ring of truth to them, Noah blinked somewhat confused. He discontinued the illusion of sound coming for above the bag. [color=00a651]"Do... do you really not know where you are? You know nothing about us?"[/color] Noah stood up considering his options. [color=00a651]"I'll help you out of the bag- you should probably speak with one of the counselors here, I won't tell you about where we are but they may decide too. I am going to approach you now and unzip the not stuck zipper."[/color] Very calmly, with no sudden movements, he put down his backpack and walked over to the bag and its occupant. [color=00a651]"I am going to pull down the zipper and then back away from the bag."[/color] He quickly pulled the zipper down and retreated several steps backward quickly. Glancing back around the corner of the bus, he saw counselor's calling people over to them. He sent a message to them carried on illusory sound. [color=00a651][b]I have found someone who claims they do not know where they are or anything about the campers here. Need your assistance.[/b] [/color] Noah turned back to see what the mysterious bag person would do next.