[center][b]Name-[/b] Cassidy (Cass) Michael [b]Age-[/b] 16 [b]Gender-[/b] Female [b]Sexuality-[/b] Bisexual [b]Appearance- [/b] [img]http://bestupnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Best-Blonde-Hair-Color.jpg[/img] Height 5'4" [b]Personality-[/b] Cassidy is a quiet girl, normally found wth a book on hand, she has a sharp tongue and uses sarcasm as a weapon. She might seem detached or cold but in truth she wants friends that understand and accept her. On good days Cass can be found outside either watching the sky or with headphones and fingers tapping out a rythrm on her thigh. On bad days -if she hasn't slept for a few days- she's found inside sitting still as a statue eyes glazed as if in a daze. [b]Backstory-[/b] Cassidy was the only child of her parents, for good reason it seems, she was born from a mother who lived on drugs and a passive father that didn't seem to care for the family he made or the wife he married. Doctors could never determine if Cassidy woild be effected by the drugs her mother was using when she was conceived, though at the early an age they kmew that she wouldn't be an ordinary child. Having a stroke and surviving was just the tip of the iceberg, since then Cassidy as moments of numbness on the right side of her body, from her shoulder to her arm. Her mother refused to keep her, her father ignored her completely. She was sent to live with her twin uncles, where she live until the day police busted down the dpot and arested everyone inside. Cassidy had been grounded for getting to school late and had been found in a back room with chains wrapped around her ankles and wests, arms bloody with cuts made by her dear uncles when they were too high to remember that she was family. She was sent to Dreamy Pines after being discharged from the hospital. [b]Interests-[/b] ☆Music ☆Reading ☆Rainy days/thunderstorms ☆Winter/cold ☆Writing [i]Dislikes-[/i] ◇Shouting ◇Summer/heat ◇Seeing others being bullied [i][b]Fears-[/b][/i] ○Hates being kept inside for too long. She'll start to mumble and curl into a ball, quietly murmuring nonsensical words. [u][i]Issues-[/i][/u] □Insomnia □Temperary(that might become permanent as she ages) paralysis on her right side.[/center] [@Love Me Dead]Let me know if she needs anything xD kinda went dark here lol