[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Welcome to Dreamy Pines![/color][/h1][/center] Miss Rellzia smiled softly as she sat down in her chair facing the young adults before her, the first day was always the most confusing and uneasy for the new rotation of kids. Clasping her hands together the tall gingers gave a warm smile before spreading her arms prepared to give her rules and such to them. Wiping her freckled face with a hand she spoke proudly almost, [color=8dc73f]"Welcome to Dreamy Pines, now I know you all are probably antsy and just wanting to unpack your things but it's always important I give out the rules first. This is my home and I am opening it up to you in hope that you may blossom as a person and show that you are valued members of society." [/color] Her green eyes sparkled despite the wrinkles she had from age, the woman was in her forties already having been on the mission of helping young kids get their lives on track since she was twenty six. [color=8dc73f]"Now,"[/color] she spoke, [color=8dc73f]"First off are the rules. There will be no drinking, drugs, cigarettes, bullying, stealing, self harm, bickering, leaving without permission, or sneaking out at night. Jace knows what happens when you break those rules." [/color] The pudgy teen boy just shifted a bit crossing arms over his chest a bit embarrassed she'd mention him. [color=8dc73f]"Also there is a curfew."[/color] she motioned with her hands a bit which was sort of a habit, [color=8dc73f]"You will be in your room by nine and lights out at eleven, each of your rooms has it's own bathroom so you will not need to be wandering around the house for any reason after curfew. If I catch you breaking any of these rules there will be less freedom and more chores. Each one of you are going to be going through online schooling and you will work to earn a high school diploma. There are two to a room and you will be assigned a roommate whether you like it or not, however there is a curtain you can pull out that separates the rooms for privacy." [/color] Putting her hands down by her side she only paused for a brief moment before starting on the next topic, [color=8dc73f]"You are expected to participate in group discussions and activities and friday will always be movie night. More individuals may show up and we will treat each other with respect and kindness. Don't tell yourself that this is just all the government and I don't care about you, because I do. Many of the things I provide come out of my own pocket. I want to see you do well in life and I know each one of you can achieve that." [/color] [color=8dc73f]"Now go find your room and unpack."[/color] she gave another kind smile, [color=8dc73f]"If you have any questions don't be afraid to come ask, girls room with girls and boys room with boys."[/color] She motioned toward the hallway to where the rooms were, sticky notes with names on them on the doors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][h1][color=00aeef]Jace Taylors[/color][/h1][/center] Jace just trudged over to his room with the bad case of resting bitch face he always had looking at the sticky note on his door, Thomas? He gave a small groan opening it up and sitting back down on his bed pulling his legs up and sitting pretzel style. Fun, another room mate, he would most likely hate this one too. He laid down and adjusted himself so he was laying on his stomach, reaching under the bed he pulled out his laptop and set it down opening it up. He clicked a few things and smirked at the screen, time for another hour of Adventure Quest. His lips curled into a short lived smile before fading back into his normal bitchy self. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [center][color=92278f][h1]Y Kim[/h1][/color][/center] Y smiled and brushed a bit of her 'hair' from her face before standing up and fixing her dress a bit. She had dressed very gorgeous for the day in a cute deep purple dress with a white bow sash, diamond earrings, and nice sparklyish tights. Truth be told she had some lovely legs. The young woman found herself glancing at one of the guys, he was taller than her. She wanted to just bounce right up to him and say hello but she just walked down the hall with a smile. Someone taller than her! This just made her down right happy to be there. Finding her room she headed inside and straight for the bathroom making sure to lock it, she really needed to go but she'd been dreading it all morning. No one knows, she thought to herself, and no one needs to know. This brought a smile to her face and after she was done she took a look in the mirror talking to herself, [color=92278f]"You're finally just some girl Y."[/color] Her face lit up with a huge smile before she looked down at the sink, maybe she'd like it here.