[center][h1]Set Decorator Robert, Top of the Quarry[/h1][/center] Robert stared incredulously at Koizumi. [color=cyan]"You gotta be shittin' me, sweetheart! What kinda ""intern"" shows up to work in a [i]pantsuit[/i]? You ain't foolin' me, lady,"[/color]" Robert said, winking sinisterly. [color=cyan]"I know who you are!"[/color] [color=cyan]"You're one of those "on-site reporter" types! Thinkin' you can sneak into the set an' steal a few choice bits'a info from the crew! Don't think I didn't see yer camera an' mic boys shootin' off like ducks inna bush! Well, yer lucky [b]I[/b] caught you, else you'd be inna world o' hurt!"[/color] Robert chivalrously attempted to brush a fleck of clay off Koizumi's shoulder, soundly failing to reach it. Slightly embarrassed and slightly irritated, Robert nonchalantly wiped his nose with one hand and grinned. [color=cyan]"Since this must be a 'once inna life time' thing for you, I'm gonna treat you to a real fancy show-- the very first step towards creatin' a good set!"[/color] Robert reached into his shirt pocket and produced a small, black cylinder with a jolly red button on top. With theatrics commonly seen only in the company of very sour-looking men with sharp tools and a general lack of scruples, Robert placed his thumb over the button. [color=cyan]"Keep yer eyes on the quarry. Now you see it..."[/color] Robert pressed the button. A chorus of loud '[color=red][b]ping[/b][/color]'s sounded off around the quarry bottom. In a deafening blast of light and sound, the quarry disappeared. Clouds of rock and metal heaved themselves skyward as violent waves of force and heat wormed their way through the quarry's many nooks and crannies. The ground rumbled and shook almost as if a major earthquake had been caused by a series of simultaneous explosions, mostly because that's [i]exactly[/i] what happened. The earthquake sounded all across the island, shaking the prison and the dockhouse's foundations. By some mysterious quirk of the quake, a large number of fissures opened up, localized around the prison's exercise yard and outside grounds. Pillars of smoke and sulphur writhed lazily out of the fissures, filling the area with a sickly red light. [color=cyan]"Now you don't."[/color] Said Robert, grinning toothily.