Nytesaed kept her mouth shut through the old hag's speech, barely containing a laugh as she listed the banned items and thought to the half pack of cigarettes in her inner jacket pocket, the mickey of Jack in her bag, the bong and baggie of weed next to it and the switchblade,which was stolen, in her boot. [color=CC0000][i]Good to know I'm off to a fucking stellar start.[/i][/color] She thought. Not that she was ever planning on following any of the rules in the first place, but she still payed attention, just so she knew what she would be breaking. The old house smelled like mothballs and industrial sanitizer. It felt like a fusion between an old folks home and a mental asylum and it skeeved her the fuck out. There was no way she would be spending any more time than necessary inside here. Thankfully the lecture was over fairly quickly and she stood and slung her old, grey duffel bag over her shoulder and made her way to her room. She looked around and saw the bags already in the room and judging by their obvious higher quality than hers, by the fact that they didn't have any duct tape holding them together, she guessed her roommate was pretty well off. [color=CC0000][i]I hope to shit she isn't some prissy little bitch.[/i][/color] She thought, dropping her bag on the bed closest to the window. She looked out the window and was pleased to see there was a solid enough old oak within reach. She looked over to the bathroom door and could hear the sounds of her roommate from the other side.