[center][h1][color=92278f]Y Kim[/color][/h1][/center] Y raised an eyebrow and then rubbed the back of her neck, she was much taller than the other just giving a sort of bashful smile, [color=92278f]"Well hello there to you too."[/color] She then went over pulling out another black wig but this time in a bob style. Setting it on the stand and starting to carefully comb it out she giggled slightly and kissed the top of it, [color=92278f]"I like the name."[/color] Looking down at her lap and then back over at her her voice lowered slightly as if she were trying to be threatening but really she was a doll who couldn't hurt anyone, [color=92278f]"I have one rule, if you harm my wigs I'll make a new one out of your hair at some point."[/color] Eyes shot a serious look at Nyteshaed before going back to her work on the wig which was a bit messy. [color=92278f]"Now, um"[/color] she paused just biting her lip softly, [color=92278f]"Tell me about yourself."[/color]