Nyteshaed smirked and turned up from her unpacking, a hand cocked on her hip. This girl had a bit of an edge. It was a dull edge, but still, it was cute. She slowly sauntered up to her, biting her lip softly. [color=CC0000]"That's a fair rule. But I've got one of my own."[/color] She looked Y dead in the eyes and stared intently, like she could hurt her if she wanted. [color=CC0000]"If you fuck me. I will fuck you."[/color] She let the moment hang tensely in the air before stepping back from her and returning to throwing her clothes into the drawer. [color=CC0000]"Other than that, not a whole lot to say. I like my music loud, my drinks hard, my cars fast, and my women hot."[/color] She cast a sidelong glance to Y. [color=CC0000]"How about you? What's your story?"[/color]