Amber quietly stared at her torn up sneakers as the old lady talked. Anxiety stirred in her belly. She hadn't been free to decide where she would go since before her mom saved her; she [i]needed[/i] her mother's permission to get up and move, she [i]needed it.[/i] Once the old lady told them they could go, Amber took a deep breath, her hands shaking. She slowly stood up as a headache started to blare through her skull. The click of her shoes walking down the halls echoed in her ears. [i]I hope I get a window,[/i] she dared to think. [i]Mommy never let me have a window for long.[/i] She walked into her room and stared guiltily at the window. Soft light filtered through the dusty glass. [i]I hope she forgives me.[/i] Amber sat down on her bed, clutching her bag tight to her chest, waiting for her roommate to arrive.