[@Irisity] [color=7ea7d8][center][h1]Cassidy[/h1][/center][/color] Blinking slowly as the words from the older woman drifted into the air and settled, Cassidy felt her fingers twitch at her side. Shifting her gaze away from warm-wrinkled face, she searched the others with her gaze, they were all so different and unique. Turning and flowing the rwar of the group out and into the hall, she finds the room that has her name on the door -third door on the right- and enters. Finding the bed that would be hers, Cassidy plops down on the mattress and finds her eyea scanning the room, the book she'd paused in reading already open once more. She liked her tomorrow already. With a slight jump, she realizes that [i]her room[/i] isn't really just hers, roomate. Perfect. Sitting up and glancing at the girl for a few moments, Cassidy decides to leave her be for now. Focusing her gaze on the pages, she doesn't even notice that her right hand drops from the spine of the book to laying limp in her lap.