[b][i][u]1 Year Ago A 'soccer' field[/u][/i][/b] Alo's steps were heavy and loud as he stomped his way across the field to a fellow that he used to call his friend. As if the fact that he was going to fight the guy soon wasn't bad enough, he was reminded that the American's called football [i]soccer[/i]. He shuddered at the thought. His eyebrow twitched as he heard the conversation going on, they were talking about his mother, again. His eyes flared as he sprinted up and essentially clotheslined the guy before wailing on his face with as much force as he could. Of course, he was quickly thrown off by the guys other friends and was subsequently beaten the shit out of. The entire ordeal resulted in the now noticeable scar on, Alo's eyebrow. Not only that, but this day was the day Alo vowed to change himself from a bully into a better person. [b][i][u]Present Day Dreamy Pines[/u][/i][/b] Alo leant against a wall, his hands in his maroon Harrington jacket as the older women spoke. He let out a snigger as the mention of 'no drink' met his ears. He could handle not smoking for a while, but he would be damned if he couldn't sneak alcohol into here. He swaggered past the women and found the post-it note with his room number on it. It seemed he had a room to himself. Fantastic. A grin grew on his face as he made his way up to his room, carrying a sports bag over his shoulder containing what little belongings he had. He shoved the bag under his bed before laying down on said bed and staring up at the ceiling. He took off his jacket to reveal a [i]'Stone Roses'[/i] T-shirt underneath. But more importantly, to reveal the various small scars littering his arms. He hated the things, it was a reminder of how he used to act and his past misdeeds. Slightly more somber, he raised from the bed and exited the room to scope out the building. He took caution not to bump into, Rellzia, he hated making small talk with adults. His exploration pretty much stopped in the hallway leading up to the entrance room, he could still see Rellzia there, waiting, like some sort of vulture. That was probably exaggerating, but then again, Alo really hated making small talk.