My CS, if anything needs changed, let me know. [hider=Abram Romanov] Name: Abram Romanov Age: 24 years old Faction: The New Order infantry Gender: Male Appearance: Abram is 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a thin weight of 164 pounds, and he has a very thin build. His hair is short and ragged, with a deep brown color. He keeps himself clean shaven, and his face bares a scar across his left cheek. His eyes are a murky, fog-colored grey, which some have described as appearing 'soulless', ironic given his disposition for helping people. His uniform is generally not up-to-code, with things such as rolled up sleeves and ammo belts wrapped around his torso being common issues. Nationality: Eastern Slavic. Mainly Russian, though he might have some Ukrainian heritage mixed in as well. Personality: Outside of combat, Abram is a kind man. He does his best to help those in need around him, and isn't shy to offer his own personal items to those he feels need them more. He genuinely believes that the New Order is doing good things for the country, though if there were enough evidence to support otherwise, he would likely switch sides. Equipment: A squad support LMG fitted with a close-to-mid range sight and a bipod, a pistol sidearm with 2 spare clips, 1 hand grenade, his uniform, a close-combat knife, and a short range communications radio. Skills: Abram is a very fast distance runner, which has helped him in numerous occasions both in and out of combat. He's an accurate shot with his LMG and pistol, and fairly decent at knife and hand-to-hand combat. Outside of combat, he is an excellent cook, a remarkable poker player, and can hold his own in a drinking contest. History: Abram grew up with a relatively stable childhood. He was always known for being very helpful with everyone he met, and made quite a few friends. He was quick to enlist with the New Order military after the Utopia incident with the murder of a child, and has served faithfully ever since. Other: He currently supports the New Order, though if a resistance group were to show enough evidence against the New Order, he would likely switch sides. [/hider]