[hider=ED] Name- Erren Drake Age- 16 Gender- Male Sexuality?- Undecided, though leaning towards bisexual. Appearance- Erren is 5'12, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He has to wear glasses because of his short-sightedness, but goes for a less noticeable style; one that people won't point out much, or really look at. He has a slight moustache that he can't be bothered to shave and has a couple of bad spots across his face. Personality- Erren is rash, without care for the feelings of the people around him. He often says thing that are offensive, even if he doesn't mean for it to sound like that. He also has no open regard for anything love related, and openly admits to never having a love life. he has a very poor memory, and often forgets crucial information. That or he doesn't hear it because he isn't paying attention. Backstory- Ever since he was a child, he has had a hard time dealing with both anger as well as his feelings. Either he never expressed them enough, or too much. From a young age he showed violent and harsh tendencies, with very little regard to who he hurt. He was bullied day in and day out, to the point he started refusing to go to school. It got so bad that one of the bullies beat him in an alley and left him. For him that was the last straw. A couple days later Erren almost killed the kid, leaving him bleeding on the ground. When his parents found out they were mortified, of course, but Erren didn't see what they were so ashamed of. They abandoned him and he was taken to an orphanage. There he would constantly get into fights and hurt others. He was never adopted, and on his 16th birthday he ran from the orphanage. Somehow he managed to end up at Dreamy Pines, but he doesn't like to talk about it. Interests- He likes anime and manga, which he frequently watches to pass the time. He also likes chess and other types of boardgames, but he doesn't play them often. As well he likes to read and write types of stories, or at the least create character concepts. He also loves cats. Dislikes- Erren generally hates bullies, as well as insects, which he thinks are quiet similar. He doesn't like fancy clothes, or being cool nor being noticed. He also dislikes the concept of "love", calling it a trivial waste of time and processing power. He also doesn't like fish. Fears- He absolutely hates and is scared of insects of all kinds. Along with this he doesn't want to die alone, despite his personality. Issues?- Erren has shown sociopathic behaviour over his life, as well as odd outbursts of emotional stress or anger. [/hider]