[center][color=92278f][h3][b]~Diabolic Esper~[/b][/h3][/color] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/f9da9451fc0f1ee4d35956ac36e10216/tumblr_nwquq6LIiz1u3z5n7o1_100.png[/img] [color=92278f]"Hmph... I hope for your own good that this is true,"[/color] Add grumbled as his Configuration mode wore off, his eyes returning to normal color for now. It seemed that Ika saw Cia out as a fake squid, which was half true as the latter had called herself an "Inkling" instead. None of this seemed to be logical in Add's case, as these species weren't common in Elrios at all, but he let it slide due to the fact that this was some different timeline from a completely unknown dimensional location. Though, as much as he thought of this intruder to be a potential nuisance, which he was already dealing with Ika, he knew that he was going to make acquaintances in this world in order to continue his goal... [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/4bca5c76a74f3009784760e2cabc2824/tumblr_nwqto2tgzm1u3z5n7o7_100.png[/img] [color=92278f]"If you're just going to stroll in like that, however, I'll give you two options. One, leave the premises if you're just here because you want to be... or two, you can stick around and assist in our affairs. Simple enough... hm?"[/color] The Esper sat right back down on his seat by the computer console, his Dynamo contraptions levitating around him with an eerie purple glow to them... [@Absolis][@Cuccoruler][/center]