I'm interested in joining too c: [hider=Uber Ethereal][center][b]Name: [/b] Über Ethereal [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/xcom/images/2/24/XCOM(EU)_TempleShip_UberEthereal.png/revision/latest?cb=20140617203703[/img] [b]Age:[/b] Said to have lived a few millennials [b]Species:[/b] Ethereal [b]Gender:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] The Ethereal are said to be wise and all-knowing beings that have lived long enough and advanced so much a a civilization that almost no secret exists to them in the universe they originate from. They rarely are preoccupied by feelings that the average living beings would feel, thus leaving them devoid of any drive related to intense avarice or wrath. There are however prideful beings and certainly consider themselves the superior beings and so much above humanity despite the fact that they've recognized a superior potential in the homosapients. The Uber Ethereal often speaks in a cryptic manner, as if it were reciting passages or a prophecy. It never truly seems surprised or stunned by anything as it always expresses a keen interest in things it discovers for the first time, as intimidating as they may be. Despite losing their title as most powerful beings in any universe, they remain prideful while completely devoted to the higher power they consider 'The Envisioning One'. Almost religiously, they devote themselves to the cause, even if the message they spread has ever been clear as of now. [b]Bio:[/b] Cf. Xcom Enemy Unknown and/or Enemy Within [b]Abilities:[/b][/center] [list][*][i]Psi-Dominance:[/i] The very essence of the overwhelming Psi powers used by the Ethereal. This manifests itself in a way that it allows the creature's entire body to be enhanced with Psi energy. Without this power, the emancipated and old body of the Ethereals would crumble within minutes, as such it gives a considerable boost in defensive prowess to the Ethereal as well (think Hierro from Bleach). This also enables levitation and flight (being its main medium of mobility). [*][i]Psi-Kinesis:[/i] Using its psi powers, the Ethereal manifests four arm-like vectors that are visible to stronger beings (PC's) and allow it to grab a hold of objects and individuals all the while having exceptionally high strength. They can carry up to 500 kg per vector. [*][i]Psi-Lance:[/i] Its main fighting ability that allows it to manifest a lance-like weapon out of pure psi energy. Often used as a projectile, it can be fired at bullet speed in a linear direction. It can also be used as a close range weapon, working as a form of bladed staff that can inflict severe cuts and burns when in contact. The Uber Ethereal is remarkably skilled with such a weapon due to its psi powers enhancing their motor functions and reactive capabilities. [*][i]Mind Merge:[/i] The Ethereal is capable of sharing its mind to up to 5 creatures it is allied with. Basically, it not only enhances their reflexes and precision in their approaches but also allows a psionic link between them. [*][i]Mindfray:[/i] A simple mind manipulation ability that is manifested by a small and quick beam of psi energy that travels through matter and cannot be blocked by basic objects. It doesn't inflict damage, but it causes the victim to have blurred vision and their body to feel a lot heavier than it should for a short period of time. [*][i]Psi-Panic:[/i] Manifested the same way as Mindfray, this time it imposes strange illusions to anyone affected, often distorting the notion of space and making things appear bigger or smaller, closer or father to cut any orientation they'd have. [*][i]Mind Control:[/i] Only usable on extremely weak beings (normal humans, non-PC's for example) and corpses. It essentially allows it to control them as long as they're not directly attacked. [*][i]Psi-Field:[/i] A barrier that has two layers: The passive and active. The passive, transparent layer extends to about 50 meters in radius and simply serves as a way to detect any psionic activity or active minds. Essentially it serves as a radar for anything thinking. The second layers must be activated and can only last twenty seconds. It creates a purple barrier of 150m in radius. Anything penetrating the field once it is cast will have its speed cut in half as long as the barrier is active or if it gets out of it. [*][i]Rift:[/i] A bizarre rift power that so far seems to be blocked in other universes. To be detailed once it is gained back.[/list] [center][b]Universe of Origin:[/b] XCOM AU (Alternate world of Xcom2) [/center][/hider] I'm proposing a pretty nasty group if anyone is interested. I have to admit I am a fan of antagonizing forces. I hope this is alright! [hider][center][b]Name:[/b] The Dark Outliners [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Multiversal - Some speculate the original universe is of unspeakable evils [b]Capabilities:[/b] It is hard to say with precision what are their capabilities. Technologically, they're at peak with the Uber Ethereal's presence. It is also said they hold more than one Quincy from the Bleach universe, easily putting them high up in the 'magic' category. They constantly grow their capabilities by acquiring various elements from universes they set their foot in. [b]Objectives:[/b] Although unclear, their MO is quite simply, gather anything that they consider of extremely unique value. This is applies to either objects or entities that display special properties and that they'd like in their ranks. They've demonstrated more than once a keen interest in appropriating the multiversal travel mediums, the Terminals, for themselves. Most likely for profit but the idea of conquer isn't farfetched either. [b]Members:[/b][/center] [list][*]Unknown Leader, said to be known by many despite the complete darkness surrounding them. Some may think it's Dr. Claw [*]The Ethereals and their entire fleet [*]Bambietta Basterbine - Part of the Quincy Army (AU) [*]TBA[/list] [center][b]History:[/b] Because of the mysteries shrouding the creator of The Dark Outliners, how it started remains a secret, even to the higher ups. But it is clear that they've been operating very recently and causing, maybe not chaos, but problematic damage to various universes they've visited. Often taking away essential parts of the universe to leave it unstable. They're extremely hostile to those getting in their way and will sometimes even attack 'specials' without any clear motivating factor or warning. Whatever demonstrates something out of the norm should remain weary when travelling in the Multiverse.[/center][/hider]