[center][h1][color=f7941d]Abby "Abs" Franklin[/color][/h1][/center] Two people came in and stood next to Miss Rellzia getting instructions on where to put the heavy bags they were carrying. Abs sighed a bit being escorted in by their one and only friend Drake. He looked around carrying two large bags which Abs had more bags. Abs bumped past Alo heading into his room and tossing bags on the other bed giving a groan. Drake just seemed to be shuffling around the room when he dropped the bag muttering out to him, [color=c4df9b]"Dude, have fun in suckville" [/color] Abs spoke lowly shoving him, [color=f7941d]"Shut up before I shove my foot up your ass."[/color] Drake patted his buddy's back and Abs chuckled softly, [color=f7941d]"I'll call you when we can hang again, thanks for the ride now fuck off you son of a bitch."[/color] Abs wasn't normally so foul mouthed but this was his buddy Drake and he just brought out the worst in him. He gave a few barks as he turned to leave. The guy left not really seeming to be very interested in talking to anyone just getting out of their quickly. Opening up the closet they just smirked and rubbed the back of his neck looking at the bags on his bed with a yawn and starting to unpack his clothes hanging up all his different sweat shirts with a grin on his face, this place couldn't be much worst than home. (Okay I gave up on they/them pronouns, he/him it is! Yeah I'll work better on the next one I wrote this after a night with no sleep.)