Rules and a curfew. Great. That was the last thing Erren needed, especially since he had had problems sleeping recently. He stood, tapping away at his phone whilst tuning out from the constant, damnable voice of their new host. [i]And she is still talking... Still talking... Still... Talking...[/i] he thought, only to suddenly realise that everyone was moving. He snapped back to reality and followed, briefly looking over the notes he had just written down. As he headed in, he saw the others file into their rooms as he walked. Then he made his way into his own room. Inside, he dropped his bag onto the bed furthest away from the bathroom and began to drop his assortment of crap into different draws. He tried to fold his clothes and put them into a draw, but ended up just creasing them more. After putting everything into a general place, he pulled out his phone and began to type again whilst sat on the edge of his bed. He jotted down some more notes before heading into the bathroom.