[color=007236][b]Tom Rook[/b][/color] Tom watched the the room breathing a sigh of relief when he discovered he was only the second tallest. "No one notices the second" he concluded. He barely listened to the rules he was a little busy convincing himself that there wasn't a little blue man mooning Miss Rellzia, he did however make note of the times. He waited for the other to stand up and head off to there rooms before cautiously making his way to his own dorm. He glanced at the note, "Jace huh, never met a Jace before". He slowly opened the door to find a person he would best describe as plum shaped playing on a computer. Tom paused briefly before slowly shutting the door and unpacking his belongings: clothes and a single book, he had quickly checked out the library before arriving here. Tom quite liked how the room was silent aside from the background noise of the game and keyboard and made no effort to break it, instead he layed down on his bed and opened his book. [@Love Me Dead]