[@Irisity] [color=7ea7d8][center][h1]Cassidy "Cass" Michael[/h1][/center][/color] Hazel eyes blinked when the voice and words of her roomate fill the air, snapping the book shut and placing it beside her on her bare bed she rises to her feet and removes her gray hoodie. She offers the girl a small smile, easily pulling the sleeve from her still numb arm she sits it at the end of her bed and plops back down, her left hand waving as she shit's until she's sitting cross-legged in the center elf her mattress. [color=7ea7d8]My name is Cassidy, pleasure to meet you."[/color] She offers softly, biting back on the sarcasm as best she can, using it as a defense for so many years has left the drawl of it lingering in her tone. She doesn't want to make a bad impression but as she watches the girl across from her, Cassidy thinks that hiding behind a mask of sarcasm will only bring her enemies. The words Amber had managed choke out seemed to have cost her a great deal, her face had paled further then it was during the caregivers speech. Relaxing back and resting her back against the wall, Cassidy focuses her gaze outside, her posture relaxed.