[center][h1][color=92278f]Y Kim[/color][/h1][/center] Y looked almost shocked suddenly sitting up fixing her dress once again, [color=92278f]"Oh girl, you poor thing. Stevie Nicks is a goddess, her band Fleetwood Mac is one of my favorites!~" [/color] She gave a grin standing up, [color=92278f]"Come on, we have to get my record player out of my truck, this is a musical emergency."[/color] Motioning for her to follow she made which steps down the hall and out the front door. Opening the back door to her white pickup she pulled out a small record player muttering, [color=92278f]"Grab the bag on the floor there and shut the door."[/color] Looking excited she made her way back to her room and set it on the last empty space on her dressed top and plugged it into the nearest outlet holding her hand out for the bag, this was important to her, Stevie was her inspiration. [@RhineQueen]