Clementine looked at Dylan as the girl grabbed her hand and explained her own avoidance of the blood. Clementine shook her head, a small laugh escaping from her, "Well, alright..." She gathered her things and headed toward the building. She normally would avoid the cafeteria and feeding stations at all costs. Usually they were packed with students and teachers and far too many emotions for her brain to keep track of. When she was stuck in places with that many different emotions it started to hurt her head because suddenly she didn't know how to feel. However, classes hadn't started yet, meaning that she had today to be more or less alone in the feeding station. Not to mention, with less people there were less humans that were being fed on... and well, they sometimes gave her the worst feelings. When they reached the door, she pushed it open for the both of them and walked in. At the sight of her, one of the nurses jumped up to set up a special spot of her. She supposed that was nice. No matter how busy the place was they always made sure to get Clem in and out of there quickly. They didn't need her making people make a fuss. Clementine looked over her shoulder at Dylan, "Come sit with me when you're done?" She asked in a soft voice. As much as they made the process for her quick, they could never really make them any shorter than a couple hours, thus the reason she often went to the infirmary. Thus the reason she had an entire class block empty just for that. She wondered if the man was going to be speaking to her then to avoid taking the place of another class. She went into the room and took a seat on the bed and sighed. This was where the feeders sat while the Moroi fed on them... The thought always made the two hours a little stranger but the place being somewhere that didn't beep with heartbeats or smell of Purell hand sanitizer was worth the weird thoughts. She laid back as the woman with the blood bag on a little metal stand entered. She held her arm out and didn't even flinch as the woman stuck her with a needle a few times trying to find her vein. She sighed, her arm would be bruised there tomorrow... Perfect.