[@Lmpkio] [color=ec008c][b]Joylne Kujo[/b][/color] Joylne tired her best to avoid the attack form the sith,But of course it was not enough as she felt the end of the lightsaber slashing her leg."Fucker..." She yelled out for a second holding her leg feeling the pain shooting up her leg and though her body."He can see my Stand?" She thought summoning her Stand once more using her stands's strings to try to tie up the sith's hands. [color=92278f][b]Kars[/b][/color] Kars felt the kick agasint his body sending him backwards before counterattacking,"A good attack but you will have to do better" The ultimate life form smiled at the wandering samurai counterattacking by using a Hamon based attack trying to hit him in the chest.