[hider=Colonel Vale] [b]Name:[/b] Colonel Naomi Vale [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8141/7160811911_956d2f0a76_b.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]Commander:[/b] Given her formal Imperial training and years more or less governing a planet Vale has become rather good at organizing the planets forces. [*][b]Asymmetrical warfare:[/b] Vale has spent most of her career as an officer dealing with rebels on Boonta and [REDACTED]. [*][b]Strategist:[/b] Vale prefers to delegate tactical decisions to her officers rather than doing it herself as he admits herself, she is less detail orientated. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][b]Flexible forearm data-pad:[/b] Given her work load she needs a constant uplink to troop movements and order progressions, she also has a pocket secretary to go with this. [*][b]SE-14r light repeating blaster:[/b] While carrying a hold-out pistol is considered standard operating procedure Vale has come to like this particular model for prisoner executions. [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Having grown up during the Clone Wars Vale knows what war on that scale can do to the citizens of the galaxy and absolutely seeks to keep that from happening again. Vale absolutely despises the corruption currently infecting the Empire from the top down. The most obvious example being the Governor she is sworn under, whom she has numerous times attempted to have removed for incompetence but has been stymied by even more corruption somewhere higher up the chain of command. She is for the most part a no nonsense individual, while she will tolerate jokes among her officers knowing how good they are for morale. However, she will never participate in them and if they interfere with the task at hand she will punish severally those who think a laugh is above the mission in priority. Given her time on [REDACTED] she is willing to take control of potentially fatal situation from her superiors if pushed to. While she is well versed on Imperial doctrine Vale will skirt around regulations if she feels that it would allow a situation to be better handled, though rarely does this occur. Vale holds several of the admirals and Moff's above the Governor in high regard especially Grand Moff Tarkin, Vale has numerous times used old tactics of Tarkin's believing most of them to be brilliant. She has met with the man on [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED]. Having been raised on Kuat and being part of a rather rich family Vale's sensibilities are rather high class and usually down looking on men. While joining the Imperial military almost forced her to drop the defiant attitude towards male superiors she still looks down somewhat on her male subordinates believing them to be less than their female counterparts at their jobs. [b]Biography:[/b] Born on Kuat to a slightly less than noble family Naomi was primarily raised by her Telbun father and rather rich mother. This meant that she was imbued with the tradition of their matriarchal society and kept rather pampered as a child. Though as she got into her teens and the onset of the Clone Wars her mother saw fit to prepare her for military service. This meant removing some of her comforts and forcing her to live atleast mildly more sparsely and enrolling her in a military prep academy on Kuat. While initially resenting this decision as she approached age of service she became more keen on the idea as it gave her a sense of purpose, she even convinced her mother to delay her graduation from the academy so she could make up for her more rebellious years and be more prepared for officer duty. She officially joined the then Republic army at age 20 immediately testing into officer school. She graduated at 21 scoring high marks on every test given to her, she particularly excelled at grand strategy training scenarios where she once managed to beat a simulation of the Separatists in 1 year, 3 months, and 16 days which was a conditional surrender. She was quickly assigned to a non-clone logistics battalion as an officer where she served for the remainder of the Clone Wars and the first year of the reorganized Galactic Empire. After which she was moved to [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] after which she was assigned to Boonta. Having two years of commanding under her belt she became Governor Sarrus's replacement colonel after the last one had attempted a coup. She has served as the commander of the Governor's forces with distinction for over a year. However, the Governor has managed to get his name attached to his subordinates deeds which have resulted in him being given more influence and troops as a reward from the regional moff. This has caused Vale to loathe the Governor and in the year she's been there his life has been in danger only twice, both times being his own fault. Vale's tenure has seen only three minor terrorist incidents and one major one, every time catastrophe being evaded because of Vale's command. Having no faith in the governor has seen that Vale has taken on the responsibility of mining quotas, troop quotas, training quotas, staff quotas, and other various positions falling on her other than being the military commander. To deal with this she has assembled a strong team of officers that allow her to delegate tasks with minimal loss of efficiency. However lately she has been personally overseeing the construction of an ISB base for an incoming agent in an attempt to display her prowess of command. [b]Secrets:[/b] [b][REDACTED][/b] [b]Relations:[/b] [b]The Governor:[/b] Vale's immediate superior is the Governor Sarrus whom she absolutely loathes. While she is fiercely loyal to the Empire the governor has shown repeatedly to be of little use in matters of actually governing, this has lead to Vale essentially becoming the top military leader on the planet with all Imperial forces reporting directly to her and her subordinates while the governor is very rarely actually involved in anything. While she has found a way to make him useful in terms of diplomatic situations he has proved time and time again that he has no knowledge of anything that is not centered on indulgence. However after the last colonel under Sarrus attempted a coup against him, he has since separated his own personal guard from the main military meaning they report directly to him and Vale has no authority over them. This has lead to many issues especially regarding Sarrus's security details and conflicts of orders. These things all culminate in a rather irritated Vale who is constantly looking for a way to have the governor removed through official channels. [/hider] [hider=Governor Sarrus] [b]Name:[/b] Vin Sarrus [b]Age:[/b] 58 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/53/TheMostImportantManInTheWholeDamnAtlas.jpg[/img] [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Political Animal: Ever since he graduated officer's training Vin has always been looking for a way to gain more influence through political gestures and general courtship of generals, admirals, and moffs. He has even managed to sway some criminal elements of Boonta to bribe him and keep the peace, though this has kept out of the public's knowledge mostly. [*]Captain of Industry: Ever since his days of being a late teen on Wukkar Vin has always been a unflinching industrialist, making business deals on the Corellian Run made him very rich during his time as one of the senators chief financial advisers. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]Personal energy shield [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] The governor sees himself above most of the peons of Boonta except those who he considers "enlightened" by high society of the core worlds. Most of the traditions of the residents of Boonta he considers barbaric and outdated with the pod races being the exception. While loyal to the Empire and generally believing humans to be superior beings he is not above stepping on other imperial subjects for his own gain. Some would also say he has a somewhat addictive personality seeing as he generally has some sort of harem at his disposal as well as a craving for spice. The governor is very good at putting up a facade of enjoyment and of being incredibly diplomatic but those who spend any large amount of time with him will tell you he seems marginally passive-aggressive in all his conversations and there is an air of superiority that constantly exudes from him. [b]Biography:[/b] Having been born to a wealthy family on Wukkar which is situated on the Corellian Run trade route Vic found ample opportunity to learn the trade of a merchant. Both of his parents were incredibly wealthy industrialists who married mainly as a business transaction which would merge both their family's shipping businesses to create a large conglomerate which was able to compete on a galactic scale. As insurance they conceived two heirs to their wealth promising all their wealth when they died to their first born. Vic was the second born. While his childhood was filled with unimaginable displays of wealth he knew early on that he would need to find a way to either usurp his older sister or create his own fortune. While his studies were funded endlessly by his parents near unlimited wealth he still needed to gain actual experience within the world of mercantilism to actually be able to strike out on his own. This began his work in his parents industry which saw him travelling away from home and seeing nearly every planet on the Corellian Run. Conversely this extensive travelling which ate up the remainder of his youth gave him his disdain for aliens. He saw wealthy worlds run by mainly humans and incredibly poor slums which were mismanaged by aliens who had no potential and even less leadership. This coupled with his parents health beginning to fail and his sister starting to take on the mantle of the business left him increasingly distant with his family. He began forging business relationships through shows of excess and being as relatable as possible. His old young personality began to slip away from his conscious mind as he further pushed it down to become more like people whom he was attempting to court. Just before the onset of the Clone Wars and his parents deaths he made a bid for senator of Wukkar. He was defeated by a member of a rival family who had apposed his parent's marriage all those years ago which lead to his family's business being slowly pushed off-world and forcing the company to relocate to Coruscant. After the company's move his sister informed Vic that he would be cut from duty as soon as their parents died saying that the company could no longer afford his expenses. Knowing this was a lie and his parents being so close to death he began scrambling for a way to maintain some power. Then the Clone Wars began. Seeing this as a way out and having several contacts in the new Grand Army of the Republic already he quickly graduated from officer school and began his service as a Colonel. This move angered many within the army so he was quickly shoved off into a logistics position. It just so happened that Vic had been doing that already for most of his life. As the Clone wars neared their end Vic had achieved the rank of Major-General and managed to gain friends in many high places before the Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire. But before Palpatine took charge the Venator-class Star Destroyer Vic was riding on to Utapau was shot down by the panicking CIS. While he escaped with his life he received an irreparable back injury which put his continued service into question. Luckily when the Emperor finally took over Vic saw his opening for a new position who could create for himself. He pulled several favors many of which were newly minted regional Moffs and secured his position as Governor of Boonta. This appointment was justified however given his lengthy experience in logistics operations for the Republic and before. The Empire saw to turn the former Hutt world of Boonta into a useful trade hub for moving supplies from the mid-rim to the outer-rim. However, Vic managed to get much more resources then were needed allocated to his new position in order to build Boonta into a much bigger hub then the Empire originally intended. It was after this when the Governor "snapped" and slowly began his decent into debauchery and illicit drug use. During the time that the Empire was still allocating him massive resources he built himself a palace and began work on a Golan defense platform to further justify more spending. It was at this juncture that his colonel became fed up with the excess and wastefulness of his superior that he attempted a coup on the Governor. The colonel underestimated how much the some of the troops liked the Governor and was easily dealt with in about a week by the loyalist forces. After having the colonel publicly executed Sarrus put in an order for a replacement and rewarded some of those still loyal to him to be his personal guard incase something like that happened again. The Governor at that point descended into his current state as a near useless waste of resources. Seeing as Vale was very adept at her job the regional moff actually saw an increase in export from the planet which he in turn rewarded the Governor with even more resources to further develop the planet. [b]Secrets:[/b] The good Guvna has many secrets, many of which are not for the eyes of those his lesser. [b]Relations:[/b] Colonel Vale: While Vin has a general distrust of all of his commanders since the coup attempt he has found Vale useful. Once he was able to off-load most security duties onto the women he found himself able to be more concerned with the politics of the planet and it's citizens. [/hider]