[h3][b]"Bring it down!"[/b][/h3] Simon looked up and saw the huge beast that lumbered in from out of the darkness. It was [b]huge[/b], and it's mass suggested that it had more than enough bulk to sustain several heavy hits to its body without even breaking a sweat. Immediately the team opened fire and he retreated several feet away, taking a knee as the beast roared and lumbered through the assembled men and women, taking swipes at people but generally being a big slow nuisance. He took aim with his rifle and sighted its legs, tiny as they were, supporting its mass with little difficulty. [color=lightblue]"Structural weaknesses. Let's see how you fare against molten metal."[/color] With a trigger squeeze, a bolt of red hot steel shot forth from his railgun and punched through its lower body, issuing a pained bellow from the creature as it slumped forward, one of its legs now useless from the thigh downward. Simon squeezed the trigger again and a second bolt punched through its other knee, severing the limb from its joint as it now roared in pain, swiping in fear at whatever was the closest. He kept up the fire, sending bolts of molten metal through its bulk now, suppressing it so that maybe one of his comrades could issue the killing blow.