[center][u][b]Star Wars: The Clone Wars Order 66 Rewritten[/b][/u] [i][b]Welcome to the Republic Army Soldier, We Need Your Help on the Front Lines! ...Okay Yeah, Welcome to SW TCW Order 66 Rewritten. This RP Puts a New Twist on the Infamous Order that Began the Great Jedi Purge and Rise of the Galactic Empire. This RP Is an Alternate Story to This, Showing a Possible Other Side that Could Have Happened. I'll Explain Below.[/b][/i][/center] [hider=Plot] [u][b]Order 66 Rewritten[/b][/u] [b]Clone Troopers, A Reliable And Trusted Friend and Soldier on the Battlefield. None Could Have Ever Imagined What Lay Within the Minds of Them that Could Destroy Us All... Approximately 2 Years into the Clone Wars, [color=aba000]Jedi Knight Kelen Rolin[/color], Jedi General of the [color=aba000]286th Legion[/color], Was on the Planet [color=aba000]Solas Niner[/color]. A Fierce Confrontation With the Enemy CIS Droid Forces Had Left Many of His Men Wounded, Leaving Him to Tend to Their Wounds. Using a Force Healing Power on One of the Troopers Who Had Suffered a Blast to the Head and Survived, He Discovered Something, a Small Chip Embedded into the Brain. It Was Some Kind of Override Chip, so He Removed it and Examined it Later. What He Found Greatly Shook Him: An Order, Designated Protocol 66, Which Designated Jedi Enemies of the Republic to be Executed. He Brought This Information to the Jedi Council, Which Moved Swiftly to Investigate. They Questioned the Kaminoans, and Learned that Before Work Began, This Order Was To be Installed at the Embeonic Stage. They Also Said it Could be Altered, So they Had All Clone Units Return to Kamino for "Health Inspection". Order 66 Was Reprogrammed as the Following: [i]"If Order 66 Is Ever Enacted By Any Persons, That Person is to be Identified and Reported to the Commanding Jedi Officer."[/i] Approximately 3 Months Later, [color=aba000]CC-7501 "Commander Bronze"[/color] of the 286th, Received the Order from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Himself, and Reported it to General Rolin. He Then Reported it to the Council, and They Confronted Palpatine During a Senatorial Meeting in the Senate. Confronted With Overwhelming Evidence, and Backed into a Corner, Palpatine Had no Choice but to Reveal Himself as Darth Sidious, The one Who had Orchestrated the Whole War. He Slaughtered Numbers of Jedi and Clones Before Escaping Coruscant Under a Massive CIS Invasion. Since Then the Clone Wars Have Raged for About Five Years, With No Clear End in Sight...[/b] [/hider] [i][b]So There You Have It, That's the Whole Backstory Up Until Now, and This is Where the RP Will Begin. The Application Template Below is Very Simple and Easy to Understand.[/b][/i] [hider=Application Template] [i][b]There Are Two Playable Types In this RP, Clone Trooper, and Jedi. Fill Out the Appropriate Application.[/b][/i] [u][b]Clone Trooper App[/b][/u] [b]ID Number:[/b] (Ex. CT-1147) [b]Nickname:[/b] (Ex. Trooper Charger) [b]Rank:[/b] (Clone Sergeant (CS), Clone Lieutenant (CL), Clone Captain/Commander (CC), Clone Pilot (CP), Clone Commando (RC)) [b]Legion:[/b] (Lists Below, Can Be Custom) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Weaponry:[/b] (List Below) [b]Jedi General:[/b] [b]Starfighter (If Clone Pilot):[/b] (ARC-170, BTLB Y-Wing, Z-95 Headhunter, V-Wing, V-19 Torrent, LAAT/i Gunship, LAAT/c Gunship) [u][b]Jedi App[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] (Padawan, Knight, Master) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Master (If Padawan):[/b] [b]Legion Commanding:[/b] [b]Clone Commanding Officer:[/b] [b]Lightsaber:[/b] (Color, Type (Single, Dual Wield, Combinable, Saberstaff, Etc...)) (I Highly Reccommend You Use This Website and Give a Link of Your Lightsaber: [url=http://www.saberparts.com/#/configure]Saber Parts[/url] [i][b]Leave Your App in the Comments Below Here in OOC, and Once Approved Can be Placed in the Characters Page.[/b][/i] [/hider] [hider=Clone Units] [u][b]Clone Units[/b][/u] [b][color=0072bc]501st Legion[/color] Jedi General: Anakin Skywalker Clone Commanding Officer: CT-7567 Captain "Rex" [color=f7941d]212th Legion[/color] Jedi General: Obi-Wan Kenobi Clone Commanding Officer: CC-2224 Commander "Cody" [color=1a7b30]41st Legion[/color] Jedi General(s): Luminara Unduli, Yoda Clone Commanding Officer: CC-1004 Commander "Gree" [color=gray]104th Legion[/color] Jedi General: Plo Koon Clone Commanding Officer: CC-3636 Commander "Wolffe" [color=9e0b0f]91st Legion[/color] Jedi General: Mace Windu Clone Commanding Officer(s): CC-6454 Commander "Ponds", CC-8826 Marshal Commander "Neyo" [color=fff200]327th Legion[/color] Jedi General: Aayla Secura Clone Commanding Officer: CC-5052 Marshal Commander "Bly" [color=9e0b0f]21st Legion[/color] Jedi General: Ki-Adi Mundi Clone Commanding Officer: CC-1138 Marshal Commander "Bacara" [color=9e0039]182nd Legion[/color] - Partially Custom/Non-Canon Jedi General(s): Nahdar Vebb, Ima Gun Di Clone Commanding Officer(s): CC-3714 Commander "Fil", CC-???? Captain "Keeli" [color=aba000]286th Legion[/color] - Custom Jedi General: Kelen Rolin Clone Commanding Officer(s): CC-7501 Commander "Bronze", CC-7011 Captain "Rigger" [color=9e0b0f]302nd Legion[/color] - Custom Jedi General: Jason Je'and Clone Commanding Officer: CC-2964 Commander "Hammer" 136th Legion - Custom Jedi General: Joachim Hoch Clone Commanding Officer: CC-5070 Commander "Vicor" [color=0072bc]419th Legion[/color] - Custom Jedi General: Silas Va'aan Clone Commanding Officer: CC-4461 Commander "Krayt" [color=aba000]224th Legion[/color] - Custom Jedi General: Kiana Clone Commanding Officer: CC-5150 Commander "Scraper" [color=ed1c24]Coruscant Guard[/color] Jedi General: None Specified, Most Likely Yoda Clone Commanding Officer(s): CC-1010 Commander "Fox", CC-4477 Commander "Thire", CC-5869 Commander "Stone" [color=004b80]SCUBA Unit[/color] Jedi General: Kit Fisto Clone Commanding Officer: CC-???? Commander "Monnk" [color=a36209]Special Ops Unit[/color] Jedi General: Ki Adi Mundi Clone Commanding Officer: CC-1993 Commander "Jet" [color=004b80]ARC Troopers[/color] Jedi General: None Specified Clone Commanding Officer(s): ARC-???? Commander "Colt", ARC-???? Commander "Havoc", ARC-???? Commander "Blitz" [color=9e0b0f]Commandos[/color] [color=ed1c24]Delta Squad[/color]: RC-1138 Sergeant "Boss", RC-1140 "Fixer", RC-1262 "Scorch", RC-1207 "Sev" [color=f7941d]Foxtrot Group[/color]: CC-5576-39 Captain "Gregor", 3 Unnamed Members [color=aba000]Onyx Squad[/color]: RC-3245 Sergeant "Kais", RC-2132 "Haz", RC-3221 "Deadeye", RC-3212 "Raider"[/b] [i][b]If You Have Custom Units or Units I Need to Add, Leave Them Below in the Comments.[/b][/i] [/hider] [hider=Weapons] [u][b]Weapons For Each Class[/b][/u] [u][b]Clones[/b][/u] [b]-DC-15s Blaster Rifle/Blaster Carbine -DC-17 Pistol(s) -Thermal Detonator -EMP Grenade -Z-6 Rotary Cannon -DC-17m Interchangable Weapon (Commando's Only) -DC-15s Pistol (Commando's Only) -Westar M-5 Blaster Rifle (ARC Only) -RPS-6 Rocket Launcher -PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher -DC-15x Sniper Rifle -DP-23 Shotgun -BT X-42 Flamethrower (Flamethrower Troopers Only) -Vibroblade[/b] [u][b]Jedi[/b][/u] [b]-Lightsaber (What Else Did You Think a Jedi Could Have?) -Talk To Me About Blasters and Such[/b] [/hider] [hider=Rules/Guidelines] A Few Things to Clarify: If You are A Commando, You Can Create NPC Squadmates and a Name for Your Unit. If You are a Jedi, You can Create NPC Clones to Serve Under You, Which Can Die. On that Subject, Death Will be a Thing, Your Character is NOT Invincible, If Your Character Dies, You Can Create a New Character and Rejoin the RP. I Will Have Main Story Plots, But Unless Your Character Serves in the Same Unit as Another, You Basically Have Free Roam on Your Missions Unless "Republic Command", AKA Me, Gives You a Mission Scenario. And Please Try to Keep the RP Diverse, I Don't Want to See Everyone Being a Jedi, That's Just Not Cool. Try to Mix it Up Some. [/hider]