[h2]Kirby[/h2] [@LmpKio] Kirby was hit into the wall, at this point his power up separated from his body. It turned into a star, bounced a few times, then dissapeared. Kirby was starting to get frustrated now. He got up with a determined look on his face, he was a bit damaged and couldn't take much more damage, but he didn't care. He ran towards the Sith once more and once close enough he opened his mouth and started in hale, HARD. His place was to copy the Sith's powers if at all possible. Although it wouldn't be anything like the Sith's powers he would copy. It would most likely be either a lightning power up or a sword power up. Or something entirely different. [h2]Asura[/h2] [@Yidhra] Asura turned to look at the man who had come up to talk to him. He was alot shorter than Asura who was towering over him. "Asura, you want something?" Asura said starting to crack his knuckles. Asura was busy looking for a specific terminal. He wasn't entirely sure as to where it was but he knew it was awfully far away, and getting there would take awhile. The power Asura was giving off continued to disperse, he was certainly the most powerful there in the way of brute strength, and endurance.