[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CypRsh6.png?1[/img] [h3][color=ed1c24]Frygga the Foehammer[/color][/h3][/center] With the group of mysterious guardsmen approaching Frygga's hand was instantly on the handle of her swords, piercing blue eyes narrowing in response to their aggressive nature. When they advanced with pitchforks lowered, each in turn spouting unflattering comments it took just about all the control in the tall barbarians body not to attempt cleaving the lot of them in two. [i]"Nonsense! This one has a cursed vein on his hand, they must all be witches!"[/i] Until this moment Frygga had kept her serious expression, concerned but not necessarily fearful of the guard's aggression. At this comment however the hearty barbarian could not help but burst into a bout of loud and boisterous laughter that seemed to draw the attention of just about bloody everyone and everything. [color=ed1c24]"Ha, me a witch? That's good for a chuckle."[/color] Taking a couple of steps forward Frygga singled out the guard who'd made the comment, completely ignoring Alexia as she engaged the other guard's attention. [color=ed1c24]"Listen here. . ."[/color] Frygga paused, looking the guardsman up and down in a singular moment of dramatic flourish. She finally settled on a suitable adjective; [color=ed1c24]"boy. If I see a witch you can be sure that the first thing I'm going to do is take its head,"[/color] Lifting both hands Frygga placed them at about eye level to provide a visual representation. Slowly her hands moved together, the one twisting itself into the palm of the other in a steady grinding motion; [color=ed1c24]"and crush it until their's nothing left but dust in the wind."[/color] By now their faces were only a couple of inches away from one another and the guard was fully capable of seeing the wilds reflected in the vicious outlander's eyes. [center][hider=Intimidation Check]8 (1d20) + 1 (Skill Proficiency) + 3 (Strength Modifier) = 12[/hider][/center] [i]"Who are you? Why are you here?"[/i] It seemed Alexia had finished her little speech. In response Frygga leaned back, returning to her full height instead of leaning over to bring herself level with the guard as she had been doing. While paladin gave her own answer to the captain's question the barbarian was quick to chime in after she was done, inserting her own impetus without regard as to whether or not the others wanted to hear it. [color=ed1c24]"I'm looking for magical armaments and goblins to slaughter with them."[/color]